
The Sexually Transmitted Infection Research Foundation (STIRF) was set up in 2003 by a group of interested clinicians and scientists to increase research opportunities.

Given the limited research opportunities, those that do exist are mainly in London and the South East. However, there is a huge amount of talent working in other parts of the country in universities, departments of sexual health, departments of infection and immunity, and departments of public health. There is a lot of talent starved of funds. STIRF aims to provide opportunities to make the best use of this talent.

STIRF aims to provide funding to initiate high quality research in all aspects of sexual health, so that researchers get the chance to show that their ideas work and allow them to approach bigger funding units such as the Medical Research Council and the Wellcome Trust to develop their projects.

We believe that STIRF will be able to kick-start important research into aspects of healthcare delivery, and more basic research into the way micro-organisms and viruses can affect sexual health and the overall health of individuals.

We will make sure that all research funded by us is sound – it will be peer-reviewed by experts in the field. We will also ensure that funding is well spent by insisting on regular progress  reports. And we will ensure that any findings are made known as widely as possible – nationally and internationally – so they have the biggest impact on patients.

We are a Registered Charity Number 1075316

STIRF will provide funds for up to £100,000 payable over two years subject to satisfactory progress.